Friday, December 14, 2012
Chinese horoscope sign - RAT 2013
THE RAT 2013
The Rat is an interesting Chinese horoscope sign that's full of contradictions. Then again, aren't we all? The rat will see lots of change this year of the Snake but the Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rat shows that many of those changes can be quite positive. It's up to each individual to use their knowledge for good and to discover their true potential this 2013 year of the Snake.
3 horoscope - The Rat In Love
The 2013 year of the water Snake can be a difficult year for the Rat in regards to love. Those who are already partnered are going to see their relationships do one of two things: bloom or die. There will be no in between and you should be prepared for the inevitability of lots of change. Whether it's good or bad is up to you.
The Chinese horoscope 2013 for Rat also shows us that there is a high chance of loneliness for the Rat. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. Of course, it may come because the Rat ends a relationship or doesn't get the guy / girl he or she wants. But it could also be a good time for the Rat to focus on what's really important: themselves. If you find yourself alone again this 2013 year, just take a step back and remember that it may very well be a good thing.
There is also the chance for great, true, and lasting love this 2013 year of the Snake. But it's all about change. If you're already partnered, then you will need to make a point to grow your relationship. If there's one thing the Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rat shows us, it's that there's no place for standing still. If you let it fester, then it will simply die.
2013 horoscope - The Rat at Work
Once again, change is the name of the game for the Rat in 2013. If you already have a job you love, then you might see your job duties expand even more or a new management position arise. Don't be afraid of this change. The worst thing you can do this 2013 year is to stand still and not accept the new opportunities in your life.
If you're not working, then you can expect to see that change as well. When you first start your new job, make sure you show all your strengths immediately. You have a tendency to hold back and keep to yourself but that won't serve you well this 2013 year. You need to make sure your new employer knows just how important the job is and just how qualified you are to do it.
This would be a great 2013 year of the water Snake for you to do some volunteer work. The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rat shows us that 2013 is a year for rebirth and renewal. Why not show the universe that you're prepared to help out wherever you can? Find out if there are opportunities in your area for helping people learn to read, beautifying the neighborhood, or anything else. You can truly change the world with your unique skills and attributes. Don't be afraid to try.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Chinese Horoscope 2013 (Tiger)
One of the biggest assets the Tiger has is their ability to think quickly and take action. The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Tiger shows us that this will serve them well this 2013 year of the water Snake, however it may also be
their downfall. The key for Tiger is to learn when it's appropriate to let their Tiger spirit out and when they'd be better served to let it simmer.
2013 horoscope - The Tiger In Love
The biggest problem we see with the Chinese 2013 horoscope for Tiger is their inability to use their powers for good. They are intense, passionate, and confident creatures, and these are all positive attributes. The problem comes when Tigers let others convince them that these are actually negatives.
Remember that not everyone will like your personality. It's true that some will find you overbearing and believe that you're too intense. The mistake you could make is to take this criticism too much to heart. The bottom line is this: if they don't like your personality then they don't like it. It's not your problem, it's theirs. Don't change who you are to please someone else, because not only will they actually be in love with someone you're not, but eventually the truth will come out and you'll lose them anyway.
The key to love according to the Chinese 2013 horoscope for Tiger is to be willing to go after only those who are a good match. You must be able to critically assess not just who you want but whether or not they are a good match for you. If they truly are, then use all your passion to show them what you have to offer. If they're not, or if they want you to relax and be someone else entirely, then move on to someone who's worth your time.
2013 horoscope - The Tiger at Work
Of course the same advice doesn't hold well for work, because this 2013 year of the water Snake you do have to work with a variety of personalities. It's not OK for you to constantly be insisting on your ideas being used exclusively, though that's what you'll want to do. The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Tiger shows us that there are some very real struggles coming your way in the work place. There are two ways you can handle it.
Don't be afraid to walk away if it's not the right job for you. You know that you're powerful, strong, and capable and you will be able to find something else. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be willing to compromise on certain things, but if you find that you're constantly demoralized because your brilliant ideas aren't being put into practice, then don't be afraid to walk.
The other option is to win people over. The truth is that you're a very likeable person and people naturally flock to you - when you make it that way. Too often you simply come on aggressively, which can work in many situations, but doesn't always when it comes to work. In 2013 year of Snake you will need to be willing to take a step back and let someone else call the shots on occasion.
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La' Pâtissière Sabrina
Bake ❤ Love ❤ Eat
Here's to a growing appetite!There's always room for dessert and cakes;
Sweet bursting with youthfulness!
Chinese Horoscope 2013 (Rabbit)
Your Chinese 2013 horoscope shows that you're going to want to jump around this 2013 year of the water Snake. In some ways, this will work in your favor. In others, it won't. it's up to you to take the special care needed to ensure
that you're making wise decisions. You have a tendency to forget that your actions don't just affect you this 2013 year of Snake, but will affect you in the future.
2013 horoscope - The Rabbit In Love
If you're a Rabbit who's currently in a relationship, then your Chinese 2013 horoscope shows that you may want to start a new relationship this 2013 year. That doesn't mean you should though. Of course, on a case by case basis it may be for the best. But before you make any rash decisions, think long and hard about your relationship and make sure you're making decisions for the right reasons - not just because you're bored.
Single Rabbits would do well to stay that way. You're feeling flighty in 2013 year of Snake, and there's nothing wrong with that. The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rabbit shows a person that wants to flitter around and get their hands in everything. Embrace it. This 2013 year of the Snake may not be the best year to start off on a big new romance. You're single, so just enjoy it! There's plenty of advantages to calling your own shots. Embrace them this 2013 year.
2013 horoscope - The Rabbit at Work
Like your love life, your professional career in 2013 year of Snake may leave you wanting to bounce around and try something new. Your Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rabbit is going to make you antsy as all get out. It may be a good time for you to make some career changes. Then again, maybe not. Does this advice sound like it's not really telling you anything? It actually is… just keep reading.
The key with your career, as with your love life, is to analyze not just what you want to do but why you want to do it. For example, if this 2013 year you feel like changing jobs, sit down and carefully consider you want to. If it's a case of a job that you're currently working not offering you what you need, and there is something better out there for you, then don't be afraid to go for it!
On the other hand, are you just generally tired of working? The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rabbit shows us that there are plenty of Rabbits who are just restless and think that the grass will be greener on another side. It may be true, but more likely you're wishing for something that doesn't exist. Don't leave behind the security of a job for another job that's simply not going to bring you anymore happiness.
The key for Chinese 2013 horoscope for Rabbit is to think carefully about whatever decisions you're making. Don't rush into anything, and always make sure that you're doing what you're doing for the right reasons. That said, don't let this paralyze you. Your goal for the 2013 year of the Snake should be to find balance. Find the balance between love and work, and find the balance between over-thinking things too much and not thinking them through enough.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012
其次,要各自扬长避短,异质互补;要主动容纳对方,在家庭生活中尽量发扬双方的长处。比如,让善于交际的一方主外;做事心细的一方理财。夫妻双方的经历、兴趣和脾气不同,可以称为“异质”,异质可以互补。急性子同急性子,慢性子同慢性子,虽然性格一致,但闹起矛盾来,前者可能闹得“山呼海啸” ,后者则会闹得没完没了。相反,急性子慢性子相配,如能注意互补,往往会刚柔相济,急慢相和,动静相宜,进而相得益彰。
其次,要各自扬长避短,异质互补;要主动容纳对方,在家庭生活中尽量发扬双方的长处。比如,让善于交际的一方主外;做事心细的一方理财。夫妻双方的经历、兴趣和脾气不同,可以称为“异质”,异质可以互补。急性子同急性子,慢性子同慢性子,虽然性格一致,但闹起矛盾来,前者可能闹得“山呼海啸” ,后者则会闹得没完没了。相反,急性子慢性子相配,如能注意互补,往往会刚柔相济,急慢相和,动静相宜,进而相得益彰。
怎样避免争吵 夫妻相处是门艺术
一、自卑与自尊心理: 当今社会,虽然表面上现代男女平等,但实际上古今中外很多地方是妻以夫贵。如美国前总统里根的夫人。当里根下台后,她的第一夫人宝座就马上让给布什夫人了,她一下就降为平民。女性由于经济、社会地位等不能与男子相抗衡,便更容易有自卑心理。希望做丈夫的能理解,更多地尊重她,健全她的自尊心理。即使为你倒杯茶,也希望能听到一声谢谢,或礼貌的笑容,别使她感到自己不是家庭主妇,而是家庭保姆。
八、因爱心理:夫妇总希望百年好合,白头到老,周总理与邓大姐之间有八互:互敬、互爱、互信、互帮、互慰、互勉、互让、互谅,有人说婚后五年、十年是个危险期;几乎一半的离婚者是因为很小事情引起扩大化的,那么是不是从小事注意起呢?有位读者说,希望夫妻易地而处,多想想对方长处,来个互补。总之夫妻相处 ,我认为是门艺术,要恩爱美满,可以八仙过海,各显神通。
一、自卑与自尊心理: 当今社会,虽然表面上现代男女平等,但实际上古今中外很多地方是妻以夫贵。如美国前总统里根的夫人。当里根下台后,她的第一夫人宝座就马上让给布什夫人了,她一下就降为平民。女性由于经济、社会地位等不能与男子相抗衡,便更容易有自卑心理。希望做丈夫的能理解,更多地尊重她,健全她的自尊心理。即使为你倒杯茶,也希望能听到一声谢谢,或礼貌的笑容,别使她感到自己不是家庭主妇,而是家庭保姆。
八、因爱心理:夫妇总希望百年好合,白头到老,周总理与邓大姐之间有八互:互敬、互爱、互信、互帮、互慰、互勉、互让、互谅,有人说婚后五年、十年是个危险期;几乎一半的离婚者是因为很小事情引起扩大化的,那么是不是从小事注意起呢?有位读者说,希望夫妻易地而处,多想想对方长处,来个互补。总之夫妻相处 ,我认为是门艺术,要恩爱美满,可以八仙过海,各显神通。
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Register Dropbox to get some bonus space
Sign up with this link to get some bonus space:
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The Secret Daily Teachings
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.
May the joy be with you,
Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.
May the joy be with you,
By: Feng Shui Energy
Monday, October 22, 2012
Microsoft Surface
Microsoft has announced a set of new Windows 8 tablets at a specially held event over in Los Angeles. Dubbed as the Microsoft Surface, the new 10.6-inch tablets will be made available in two versions: one for Windows RT with the ARM-based NVIDIA Tegra processor and another one for Windows 8 Pro that will be powered by an Intel third generation Core processor.
The new tablets come with a magnesium-based casing that is created using
a process that is called VaporMg (pronounced as Vapor-Mag) which also
includes a built-in kickstand. Here are a brief look at their technical
Surface for Windows RT
Processor: ARM-based NVIDIA Tegra
Weight: 676g
Thickness: 9.3mm
Display: 10.6-inch ClearType HD display
Battery: 31.5Wh
I/O: microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD Video, 2x2 MIMO antennae
Software: Office '15'Apps
Capacity: 32GB / 64GB
Surface for Windows 8 Pro
Processor: Third generation Intel Core processor (Ivy Bridge)
Weight: 903g
Thickness: 13.5mm
Display: 10.6-inch ClearType Full HD (1080p) display
Battery: 42Wh
I/O: microSDXC, USB 3.0, Mini DisplayPort, 2x2 MIMO antennae
Capacity: 64GB / 128GB
In addition to these new tablets, Microsoft has also unveiled couple of
accessories to go with them such as the 3mm-thin Touch Cover which is
essentially a tablet cover with integrated pressure-sensitive keyboard
and touchpad. There is also another 5mm-thin cover that is called the
Type Cover which features a full tactile keyboard and touchpad with
clickable buttons. Surface for Windows 8 Pro receives something extra
though in the form of digital pen input.
No actual pricing have been announced yet but Microsoft has stated that
these new Microsoft Surface will be priced competitively to comparable
ARM-based tablets and Intel Ultrabook-class PC. The Microsoft Surface
for Windows RT will be available right at the general release of Windows
8 later this year while the Surface for Windows 8 Pro will follow suit
three months later.
It is hard not to assume that Microsoft's decision to come out with
their own Windows 8 tablet might put a lot of their OEM partners on
alert - to say the least - but nevertheless, we are curious on how
Microsoft Surface will fare in the market. Let's hope we will be able to
see them here in Malaysia very soon.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Feng Shui Master @ Myfengshui4u
The ancient Chinese founds that in our environment there are various kind of energies which actually affects our daily life. These energies are natural forces or cosmic energy.
THERE ARE NO GOOD OR BAD ENERGY. But depends on different person need different type of energy. So, it means different locations and directions produces different kind of energy.
An experience Feng Shui Consultant will need your Bazi (Date of birth and time) to determine your best direction and location. Different aspect of life (health. wealth, career and love) will also need different energy.
The ancient Chinese founds that in our environment there are various kind of energies which actually affects our daily life. These energies are natural forces or cosmic energy.
THERE ARE NO GOOD OR BAD ENERGY. But depends on different person need different type of energy. So, it means different locations and directions produces different kind of energy.
An experience Feng Shui Consultant will need your Bazi (Date of birth and time) to determine your best direction and location. Different aspect of life (health. wealth, career and love) will also need different energy.
Philosophy of Feng Shui
Feng Shui is all about energy. It is about how you tap into the environment where we live and work.
Feng Shui has been called/name the art of placement, the art of transformation and also the art of harmonizing the environment.But what exactly is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the science of harnessing energy.
There is no spiritual practice, no magical words and no religious items or symbol etc.
It is all base on philosophical, astrological, cosmological, mathematical and geographical concepts. It is all about how energy surround us affect affect our life. The movement patterns affect every aspect of our life. THE HEALTH, WEALTH, CAREER AND LOVE.
There are three major concepts for Feng Shui.
The flow of energy, the balance of yin and yang and the interaction of the five element in the universe. (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water)
Again ther is no good or bad energy. It is about supportive or unsupportive energies and the balance and unbalance of energies in your home or work place.
People like you………………
You may have read a lot about feng Shui but you still do not know what to do about it or you have visited a lot of Feng Shui websites but the consultant is too faraway to do on-site consultation.
So what is the outcome?
Stop being skeptical about Feng Shui. There maybe problem troubling you, which you have no one to turn to.
Why don’t let me help you, through off-site consultation.
Visit us email :
Stop being skeptical about Feng Shui. There maybe problem troubling you, which you have no one to turn to.
Why don’t let me help you, through off-site consultation.
Visit us email :
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Feng Shui Master @ onlinefengshuimaster
Online Feng Shui Master
FENG SHUI CAN ENHANCE YOUR CAREER & LIFE The way to improve your life, your career, your love and your wealth, is by enhancing your environment is the basic concept behind the practice known as Feng Shui. Feng Shui helps you to alter your relationship to the objects in your space to assist you in creating an area that is balancely arranged, visually balanced, and allows positive energy to flow freely and unblocked. If you wish to alter your business approach or the manner in which you interact with friends and family, apply the fundamentals of Feng Shui. You will find it will help you obtain improvement in any area of your life you feel requires it. Feng Shui consists of various techniques, many being quite simple. Once you learn a few practical Feng Shui concepts you can improve your home or office space within a few minutes. The more you familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of Feng Shui, the easier it becomes to gauge the problems found in any room, quickly and accurately.
1. Always sit with a solid wall behind your back to ensure that you have support in your life, never sit with a window behind you.
2. In the office always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the wealth area and future wealth area for more Businesses.
3. The arrangement of tables and chairs should be in a harmonious position so that chi is able to flow smoothly.
4. If you own a shop try and place the till in your wealth corner, even your petty cash tin. Order books can also be placed here with Chinese coins held together with red ribbon.
5. You should not have any cactus or sharp looking plants in your office as these plants have small sharp leaves and therefore causes "shar chi" in the office. The chi that rides on the wind will have to pass through them causing chi to be fierce and sharp.
6. If your staff always fall sick in that area, then use a metal wind chime made of 6 or 7 metal rods about 1ft long are the best as the sound of metal is the best Feng Shui cure. Others like a metal sculpture or metal object would not be that effective although they are also metal in nature. Place a hanging crystal sphere to activate ch'i or disperse negative ch'i.
7. In your office, never have the main door opening into your table as the chi coming in will hit at your face causing you not to have good luck but instead more obstacles and problems. reorganize your office.
8. In a managers office you should try not to chose a room with two doors, because the ch’I will go into that room and out the other door.
9. The chi from the main entrance of your office should not meet a wall inside the office. This is because the chi once it hits the wall has to turn and therefore causing it to slow down hence your businesses will be slow and not vibrant. Try using a hanging crystal in your office entrance this will enhance ch’i.
10. Do not place the photocopy machine near to the main door. Heat near the main door is frequently not preferred and causes the chi to be hot and dispersed easily as more people are likely to walk in and out thus carrying chi in and out too fast because the chi is not allowed to stay for some time.
11. Do not place a paper cutter machine next to the main door. Cutter machine is to cut papers. Therefore if located here will cause staff to back stab each other and fight too if one is not careful.
12. Do not place an empty vase next to the main door, as the new chi once it enters your office will be sucked into the vase causing nothing much left for the environment.
13. For corporate clients a fish tank placed in the wealth area is the best for great results and success. However there are strict criteria's for the fish tank that one has to follow.
14. The company signboard should be in the wealth area so that no other competitors can be strong enough to beat you at your game.
15. Place an indoor fountain in your wealth corner, to activate ch’i. These also have medical benefits.
16. Do not have clutter in your office; desks must be kept tidy and clutter free. This is so important, an office in China would not have these paper trays on desks, and most American companies now employ the same approach.
17. Place a hanging crystal in your window, this will activate ch’I, as well as looking fantastic, when the hits them they produce the most amazing rainbows. Important Notes: Above said are only apply to the general concepts of Feng Shui, However to maximize the benefit of Feng Shui you are still advice to seek for your Feng Shui Consultant. More specific Feng Shui recommendations involve mathematical calculations based on YOUR birth data and finding the best direction for peak performance; balancing the five elements balance by taking into consideration YOUR own birth element and other feng shui techniques. Each case is certainly unique and it may not be possible to have an ideal feng shui office at times. If you are in a less than ideal situation, look for Professional Feng Shui Consultant to help create strong backing and attract good Chi, or energy. Contact us now There are many factors analyzed during a business feng shui consultation, from the general flow of energy to the feng shui of logos and trademarks. Special attention is paid to the yin-yang balance in the business space, Feng Shui five elements harmony, the strength of front entrance.
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